Naturopathy Retreat

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Naturopathy Retreat In Rishikesh

Naturopathy is a system of treatment which recognizes the existence of vital curative force within the body thereby aiding human system to remove the cause of the disease, i.e. toxins by expelling the unwanted and unused matters from the human body for curing diseases.

“All healing powers are within one’s body”

Yan Cure Naturopathy program offers various therapies focused on your individual body and mind. In this you will meet specialized Ayurveda doctors consultation on various health problems by pulse diagnosis and other methods like Navel diagnosis etc. 

Naturopathy always aims to make you aware of healthy changes in order to get well by educating you about the root cause of your health issues. At Yan Cure Naturopathy is done to stimulates the human body’s ability to heal itself

All Ayurveda therapies like Panchkarma (Shirodhara, various techniques of Abhyangam, Herbal scrubs, herbal potli for body pain relief etc.), Naturopathy (Enema, Mud baths, Hydro therapies, Steam therapies, Specific Massage “Ekanga massage” Wet sheet packs, color therapies, etc.) and Acupressure therapy to meet all your body needs. All nutrition meals, herbal beverages through out the day. We believe choosing Yan Cure would be a best gift you can ever give to yourself and your loved ones.

Naturopathy always aims to make you aware of healthy changes in order to get well by educating you about the root cause of your health issues. At YAN-Cure Naturopathy is done to stimulates the human body’s ability to heal itself.

Naturopathy Retreat in Rishikesh
Mud Therapy in Rishikesh

Why Naturopathy Retreat in Rishikesh ?

Passed down through thousands of years of written and oral tradition, the characteristics of Ayurveda can be recognized in ancient Tibetan, Chinese, and Greek Medicine and is often called the “M other of All Medicine.”

There is no medicine as strong as the healing properties of nature. A combination of traditional therapies, healing remedies and healthy habits, Naturopathy provides your body with the innate power to heal itself. In fact as naturopathy has three major aspects of healing-prevention, cure and promotion of health, it appears to be the only effective regimen that is likely to contribute to achieving total health.

What is Naturopathy Treatment in Rishikesh ?

Naturopathy is an ancient practice of healing the body by harmonising its own natural system to regulate and correct the metabolism activity. Naturopathic philosophy propagates holistic approach of aiding the vital curative energy within the body to remove the cause of diseases i.e. expelling the unwanted toxic matter by minimal invasive techniques and minimal usage of drugs.

Naturopathy is an art and science of healthy living and a drugless system of healing based on well founded philosophy. It has its own concept of health and disease and also principle of treatment. Naturopathy is a very old science. We can find a number of references in our Vedas and other ancient texts.

According to the manifesto of British Naturopathic Association, “Naturopathy is a system of treatment which recognizes the existence of the vital curative force within the body.” It therefore, advocates aiding human system to remove the cause of disease i.e. toxins by expelling the unwanted and unused matters from human body for curing diseases.

Indian Naturopathy

Indian Naturopathy has derived its strength from India’s own medical treatise, Ayurveda, which is more than 5,000 years old. It believes that life is an intrinsic part of an all pervasive Nature, ruled by 5 Great Elements (Pancha Mahabhuta) – The Earth. Water, Fire, Air and Space, and human life is a product of this great cosmic design. The key to its survival, therefore, has to be sought in nature itself.

Naturopathy is ‘holistic” in its approach taking the human body as a whole – it treats the root cause of a disease and not the symptoms. Diagnosis and treatments use natural methods that promote the body’s own ability to heal.

Naturopaths focus on treatments based on natural forces, completely avoiding the use of surgery and drugs. Naturopaths aim to prevent illness through stress reduction and bringing changes to diet and lifestyle, rejecting the methods of symptomatic treatment of other systems.

Naturopathy can also be termed as the science of living. It believes or describes human beings as the epitome of Universe. Accordingly visualizing self in the universe, and the universe in the self, represents the most evolved state of man. Naturopathy believes in this holistic approach of health, which can be achieved by following:

  • The laws of nature (Physical Health)
  • Rules of good conduct (Mental/ Social Health)
  • Developing a philosophical attitude
  • And practicing meditation and Yoga (Spiritual Health)

Naturopathic treatments at Yan Cure

  • Hydrotherapy– Hydrotherapy uses the healing potentials of water in the form of a variety of baths, jets, jacuzzi, various underwater treatments, colonics, aquatic exercises, swimming etc.
  • Mud Therapy– Mud is one of the five elements of nature having immense impact on the body in health as well as sickness. The treatments are full body mud bath, various packs, fomentations etc.
  • Manual Therapy– It includes various therapies like oil therapy, Vibro therapy, hot stone therapy, deep tissue therapy and Kairali therapy etc. for better blood circulation
  • Fasting Therapy– Fasting is the supreme cure in Ayurveda & Naturopathy. JNI provides therapeutic fasting in which specific juices/soups are given as per disease condition. It helps in the elimination of the toxins by giving rest to the digestive system and enhancing the healing properties within our system.
  • Aquatic Exercise – Aquatic Exercise is a physical form of therapy that is taught in the swimming pool and this is a part of our naturopathy treatment. It is especially meant for those who have physical limitation to do asana in the normal course. In naturopathy, the body is taken as a whole, which in its normal state, is ordained to be healthy. It believes that falling ill is not natural and illness, is an outcome of the violation of nature’s law. To regain health, we have to activate our body’s inherent power, and a naturopathic way of life only can activate that innate power, and help the human system remove the toxins which cause illness, from the body.

Naturopathy Treatment Method in Rishikesh ?

Yan Cure offers a drugless disease-specific treatment regimen through a combination of inter related, independent holistic systems – Naturopathy, Yoga, Diet therapy, Acupuncture and Physiotherapy . Our  doctors prescribe treatments to  their  patients  after a thorough  assessment of their medical conditions. The treatment protocol will include planned diet, exercises, and lifestyle modification guidelines. The approach is holistic and aims at complete healing, and teaches how to prevent recurrence and maintain good health throughout life.

This is the mainstay of Yan Cure therapeutics. The system presumes that human body is a harmonious whole of 5 great elements that create nature, and diseases occurs when this internal harmony is lost due to toxins accumulated in the body as a consequence of individual’s faulty lifestyle. The only way to heal the disease is to bring back the elemental balance in the body by following disease- specific protocol which will fortify  and activate the body’s innate power to heal.

Naturopathy Program Offerings

Benefits From Naturopathy Retreat Program in Rishikesh

  • Improves your core strength
  • Yoga can contribute to healthy bone density
  • Certain hatha yoga poses contribute to cardiovascular health
  • By supporting the lymphatic system, Hatha yoga strengthens your immune system
  • You will be able to direct and master your own energy
  • You will be able to reach your highest potential
  • Bring your body and mind back into balance by restoring your natural rhythms.
  • Rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul
  • Reduce your stress & anxiety
  • Significant improvements in their mental and physical health
  • Aids in detoxification, resulting in improved immunity and skin.
  • Eliminates accumulated toxins from the body thus renewing vitality
  • Aids in reinstating equilibrium to mind, body and spirit
  • Enhances confidence and self-esteem
  • Develops a robust immunity
  • Encourages positivity and enhances overall health
  • Facilitates the cultivation of healthy eating habits
  • Relieves stress and gently purifies the body
  • Fosters long-term wellness and positivity

Advantages of Naturopathy Treatment in Rishikesh

Weapons of Naturopathy

Course Fees Include

Course Fees Doesn't Include

The General Structure of Daily Routine



06:00 am

Ayurvedic detox Drink

06:30 am

Shat Kriya & Cleansing

07:00 am

Yoga & Relaxation

08:30 am

Inner Cleansing Program

09:30 am


11:00 am

Therapy (Session - 1)

01:30 pm

Lunch Time

03:30 pm

Tea/Herbal Drink

04:00 pm

Therapy (Session -2)

07:00 pm

Meditation / Ganga Walk

08:00 pm

Dinner Time

09:30 pm

Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Drink

Naturopathy Retreat Price in Rishikesh

3 Days & 2 Nights Retreat Plan

Here are some common elements that are often included in Ayurvedic treatment.These prices include comfortable Accommodation, all Meals and all Treatments.

₹25K / $300 Single Occupancy
₹20K / $250 Double Occupancy
(per person)

7 Days & 6 Nights Retreat Plan

Here are some common elements that are often included in Ayurvedic treatment. These prices include comfortable Accommodation, all Meals and all Treatments.

₹60K / $725 Single Occupancy
₹50K / $625 Double Occupancy
(per person)

14 Days & 13 Nights Retreat Plan

Here are some common elements that are often included in Ayurvedic treatment. These prices include comfortable Accommodation, all Meals and all Treatments

₹110K / $1350 Single Occupancy
₹95K / $1150 Double Occupancy
(per person)